Fario Premium Flies Home / Fly Fishing / Flies / Fario Premium Flies Sort By Sort by:Most popularWhat's newPrice low to highPrice high to lowName A to ZName Z to A Showing products 1 to 84 of 84 Sort by:Name A to ZWhat's newPrice low to highPrice high to lowName A to ZName Z to A 4 Leg Squirmy Red - Fario £1.50 Apps Bloodworm - Fario £1.50 Bibio Double Decker - Fario £1.50 Biscuit Booby - Fario £1.50 Biscuit FAB - Fario £1.50 Black & Blue Holo Buzzer - Fario £1.50 Black and Red Holo Diawl Bach - Fario £1.50 Black Traffic Light Quill Cruncher - Fario £1.50 Bung Chartreuse - Fario £1.50 Bung Multi Pack - Fario £7.99 £9.00 Bung Orange - Fario £1.50 Bung Stealth - Fario £1.50 Bung Two Tone - Fario £1.50 Candy Man Booby Yellow Eye - Fario £1.50 Cocktail Wozzit - Fario £1.50 Fario Black & Blue Nymph (Chlumsky Series) £1.50 Fario Black & Purple Nymph (Chlumsky Series) £1.50 Fario Caddis Hot Butt Nymph (Chlumsky Series) £1.50 Fario Hot Collar Pheasant Tail Nymph (Chlumsky Series) £1.50 Fario Orange Tag Nymph (Chlumsky Series) £1.50 Fario Red Tag Nymph (Chlumsky Series) £1.50 Fario Thread Fly Nymph (Chlumsky Series) £1.50 Flexi Magic Black & Red Buzzer - Fario £1.50 Flexi Magic Olive - Fario £1.50 Gold Arse Cat Booby - Fario £1.50 Gold Cheek Red Holo Buzzer - Fario £1.50 Gold Collar Vicar Buzzer - Fario £1.50 Grunter - Fario £1.50 Grunter Yellow Owl - Fario £1.50 Hares Ear Double Decker - Fario £1.50 Heavy Grub Hot Butt Cheeky Silver Buzzer - Fario £1.50 Heavy Grub Mirage Quill Buzzer - Fario £1.50 Hot Butt Cheeky Silver Buzzer - Fario £1.50 Hot Butt Flexi Buzzer - Fario £1.50 Hot Butt Yelow Owl - Fario £1.50 Hot Head Cat Bug - Fario £1.50 Hothead Cat Eggstasy Worm - Fario £1.50 Light Olive Quill Buzzer - Fario £1.50 Litsers Flexi Green Midge - Fario £1.50 Litsers Flexi Olive - Fario £1.50 Micro Blue Flash Damsel - Fario £1.50 Micro Hot Head Damsel - Fario £1.50 Mirage Bunny Cormorant - Fario £1.50 Mirage Butt Shuttlecock CDC - Fario £1.50 Mirage Cat Booby - Fario £1.50 Mirage Hares Ear Cormorant - Fario £1.50 Mirage Quill Buzzer Flame - Fario £1.50 Mirage Quill Buzzer Sunburst - Fario £1.50 Mirage Quill Shuttlecock CDC - Fario £1.50 Mirage T-Shirt Quill Buzzer - Fario £1.50 Olive Bunny Cormorant - Fario £1.50 Original Double Decker - Fario £1.50 Pearl Thorax Quill Buzzer - Fario £1.50 Pink & Sunburst FAB - Fario £1.50 Quill Traffic Light Buzzer - Fario £1.50 Real Foam Daddy Brown - Fario £1.50 Real Foam Daddy Olive - Fario £1.50 Real Foam Daddy Orange - Fario £1.50 Real Foam Daddy Tan - Fario £1.50 Red Holo Cormorant Booby - Fario £1.50 Red Holo Diawl Bach Booby - Fario £1.50 Red Holo Quill Buzzer - Fario £1.50 Red Holo Quill Cruncher - Fario £1.50 Red Holo Quill Shuttlecock Shuttlecock CDC - Fario £1.50 Reverse Sunburst Candy Man - Fario £1.50 Rutland Quill Buzzer - Fario £1.50 Shaven Diawl Bach Black Mirage - Fario £1.50 Silver Bunny Cormorant - Fario £1.50 Snake 10cm Pink - Fario £1.50 Snake 10cm White Cat - Fario £1.50 Snake Fly 10cm Black - Fario £1.50 Snake Fly 10cm Black Cat - Fario £1.50 Snake Fly 10cm Olive - Fario £1.50 Sneaky Red Holo Quill Buzzer - Fario £1.50 Sunburst and Chartreuse FAB - Fario £1.50 Sunburst Candy Man - Fario £1.50 Suspender Buzzer Black Hot Butt - Fario £1.50 Suspender Buzzer Olive Hot Butt - Fario £1.50 T-Shirt Quill Buzzer - Fario £1.50 Tequila FAB - Fario £1.50 Traffic Light Cormorant - Fario £1.50 Traffic Light Owl Buzzer - Fario £1.50 Wicked White Buzzer - Fario £1.50 Yellow Owl - Fario £1.50